The word psychic medium is something that Steven’s family is very familiar with. His great, great-grandmother was known locally as a reader of palms, tea leaves and cards. Whilst he never got to meet his great, great grandmother, he frequently feels her energy and guidance around him and feels blessed to have this gift passed down through the generations – although it did skip a few!
Steven always seemed to know there was never a piece of the jigsaw missing for him, he always had the answers he wanted, although he had no idea where that answer came from or if it was true? He had to be sure he wasn’t making the voices up in his head. This was a struggle and a constant battle throughout his teens until a friend took him to his very first Christian Spiritualist Church at the age of twenty-one, some twenty-five years ago, where everything just seemed to fit into place and as the saying goes, the rest is history.
Steven Lewis Evans Psychic is a Limited Company.
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(Readings are for entertainment purposes only)